Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I am seriously starting to hate Christmas!
When I was a kid Christmas Eve was the day my cousins and I could stay awake and just play around. It was the only time my mom would allow me to eat as much crap as I could possibly handle! It was the day I looked fwd to see my mom and my aunts gathered in the kitchen being bossed around by my grandmother (I really miss her!) while they were cooking Christmas Eve supper. It was the day in which I would wake up to a house smelling like cinnamon because my mom would be baking "rabanadas" (the portuguese equivalent to french toast) and all the Christmas yumiii deserts! I remember waking up on Christmas day and rushing with my sister down the stairs to see what Jesus (yeah, in my house we always had Jesus, not Santa) had left us! We would be happy with whatever,  I miss those days in which everything was simple, and Christmas was all about love and family being together!
Nowadays I have this feeling that it is all about gifts and gifts and more gifts! It's probably my fault, but I really think everyone has expectations to get something (and it is not only something, it needs to be a specific something), and that really sucks... Instead can I offer hugs and kisses to you all? I think that has a lot more to do with Christmas! Spread the love =D

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