Friday, October 11, 2013

China tour- part I

Let's get this straight before hand: my sister lives in a freakin' place where absolutely anyone speaks english and also where not being asian is a novelty.
Getting a cab is a fuckin' nightmare, in which beforehand you take a picture or print  the address you are going to (also always carry your own address) in chinese characters otherwise they won't take you because they won't understand it.
Let's get this straight, if you are going to China and eating out, don't expect much!!  If it is chinese it is dirty to a certain degree. All the restaurants I have been to were to some measure disgusting! To name a few: there was A) the restaurant with insects crawling on the walls, which also had a sweaty, shirtless cook, B) the restaurant that seemed never to have seen a single day of cleaning, with a waiter that had the worse teeth I had ever seen and that would spit all over while talking, C) the one in which you pointed at the fish you wanted to eat, the damn thing was killed and then brought to you, and where they would bring boiling tea for you to drink that would instead be used to wash your dishes before actually using them. And trust me if that bothers you, after a few days it won't, you gotta eat, so no complaining...
Now imagine me exploring all by myself the beautiful (not really) Zhuhai... I had this really bad idea of going to one of the main attractions, and in that moment I became the main attraction with people pointing their cameras and cell phones at me. That moment I realized that being a celebrity must really suck.
And that is all for today, for more stories and eventually pictures don't miss the next few posts...

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