Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Breaking hearts since 1985...

The other day my mom meets in the street this guy that she knows and his son. What happens is that I went to elementary school with this boy. They were randomly chatting and they asked about me ( because I don't live in the country, people tend to ask about me and forget to ask about my sister, which really pisses her off =P). 
So my mom was telling them the news when the boy decides to interrupt her and tell her he had a confession to make. Apparently this boy had a major crush on me, the love of his childhood (his words) and his father confirmed. Apparently a few years  ago he had seen me on a shopping mall or something but he was too afraid to walk to me because he thought I wouldn't recognize him... 
Ok, at this stage my reaction to my mom's story was that this is all very endearing, child's love!!!, but to you guys I have a confession to make, so besides knowing his name the only recollection I have from this boy is that I found pretty interesting the fact that he only had one kidney, I didn't even find him cool just his medical condition
And this is my life's story, always oblivious to the world around me =P
And yes nosy as my mom is she told the boy he should come by one of this days, when I come back. Someone will have to go to the door and tell the kid I have a medical condition that does not allow me to see or talk to people... Just sayin'

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