Wednesday, September 12, 2012

They are weird but I like them =)

My lab is a very special place; we have a bunch of proud nerds amongst ourselves (very ocasionally myself included). But today I think they have excelled themselves. Just two moments of my day while I was sitting and writting my thesis:
Moment 1. I catch the word asparagus and pee and after that we had a 15min discussion about the smell of pee after eating asparagus and the fact that only 20% of the population is able to smell it and that this difference  is due to a only one SNP (single nucleotide polymorphisms), which in their words was rather impressive... O_o
Moment 2. They were discussing the stupid moron that had a very nice comment, a few weeks ago, on legitimate rape and in this instant one of my colleagues decides to share the fact that although women can not control getting knocked up female ducks actually can. And then we had 10 more minutes of how awesome biology was... For more info on this and I am sure you are dying to know more about the subject you can always check here
Obviously by this time I had already called them the biggest nerds ever, and there was lots of rejoice, I have a feeling they took it as a compliment =P